Backflow Assembly Training Services

     Toll free 1 855 456 2287

​ C: (208) 221 6988

P.O. Box 134 Downey, ID 83234 


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You will be invoiced when we are ready to ship

Bleed Off Valve

Part # BOV


Add in your address book to ensure receiving emails from us

Midwest 845-5 Gauge

With case and standard fittings

Part # 845-5


Toll free 855 456 2287 or

cell accepts calls and texts 208 221 6988

 or email

Shipping and 6% tax will be added to all orders

If tax exempt please let us know when ordering

Midwest 845-5 Gauge

With case and standard fittings

Sight Tube Set

Bleed off Valve

3 each of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 quick connects

​Part # 845-5 SBQC


1/4 inch angle quick connect fittings

Set of 3      Part # QCA 4 046


This is NOT a store and NO cart is available. Click on the order form below, fill out the items you would like, save it as your name or print and attach in an email to the address above

Sight Tube Set

Part # STA


1/4 inch quick connect fittings 

Set of 3     Part # QC4 040


QC Fittings 1/4, 1/2, & 3/4

 3 of each

Part # QC 424 040


Midwest 845-5 Test Gauge

With case and standard fittings

Sight Tube Set

Bleed of valve

Part # 845-5 PKG



Starting September 1, 2024 

We will have a new address

Please update our address in your files to the following.

P O Box 134

Downey, ID 83234

1/4 inch quick connect fitting

single   Part # QC4 010

$15.00 per fitting